
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Garden Chair Gets Some Lipstick

I am totally craving some outdoor space now that the weather has made the leap to summer. Sadly, I am lacking any kind of fresh air retreat in this condo, but that does not mean I have to restrain myself from zesting up someone else's backyard!

I made my usual Sunday afternoon pit stop at my local thrift store and found these amazing mid century modern metal garden chairs. I was feelin' the Eames Era vibes from these chairs and I knew I could probably sell them in a hot second.

 Chances I find a full set of four? Slim to none. Chances are no rust spots? Zip. Chances they are only 6 smackers each? Zilch. And yet, here they were! These suckers were coming home with me :)

This is my favorite kind of furniture makeover- cost me less than $30 and more importantly, took me less than 2 hours from start to finish.

Spray paint is a simple and quick way to revamp furniture. I bought 3 cans of Rust-olum Painter's Touch in Berry Pink. Hard to believe that I went through 3 cans, but I did and my pointer finger is paying the price. Joey says the numbness will subside, but I am getting a little nervous since its been lacking any feeling over 3 hours later...

Just two quick coats of the paint...

**Please protect your eyes or you might be blinded by my insane paleness in the photo above. I tell myself that I will be wrinkle free when I'm 80- but I think that is just a coping mechanism.**

Now these chairs were all lipsticked up and ready to make some one's backyard sparkle...I just wish it were mine!

It pained me to put these up for sale on Craisglist, but I am sure they will find a happy home. The motivation behind doing these quick "furniture flips" is the knowing that the $$ they bring in will fund my future projects so I don't have to tap into any of our play money for DIYs. Got to love that!

XOXO Katie

P.S. I set a new record and these sold in less than 24 hours! Looks like more "furniture flips" will have to be in the works.

P.P.S No joke- my finger is still numb over 48 hours later. I strongly suggest buying those sprayer attachments. Its worth every penny because my numb finger actually hurts!

P.P.P.S. Wear grubby clothes and old shoes (hence my mismatched gym clothes and 10 year old flippy floppies). The back spray from the paint will getcha good!


  1. Katie,
    What a great makeover you gave these chairs! I, too, live in a condo and long for the days when I have a back yard for beauties like these. Thanks for the inspiration. I'm gonna hit some thrift stores soon!

    1. Don't forget garage sales and estate sales this summer- those have the best stuff!

  2. I freaking LOVE Craigslist furniture flips! Great job!

  3. looks fabulous!! great job katie! gotta love those fast easy fixes - i bet your finger doesn't think so though!

    1. Thanks Sarah! 5 days later and still no feeling...I'm starting to freak out!
