
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Lonely Girl's Guilty Pleasures

So, yesterday marked day five with Joey being back in Chicago for a visit, and I am officially over it. I am so bored! Sadly, I am pretty used to being at home alone for 24-48 hours because of his crazy schedule at the hospital, but these five days are dragginggggg.

Luckily, I had some projects around the house that I worked on over the weekend and my journey to Ikea. Plus a big pom pom scarf order for a large wedding party was due this week, so its been like a little sweat shop for the last few nights. But its safe to say that I need my hubs back ASAP.

I don't know about you, but when I am on my own at home I enjoy me few guilty pleasure items that don't fly when the boy is around. 

This is how I have been filling my lonely days (and nights!):

 My Plate

Or in my bowl in this case :) Cinnamon Toast Crunch = Dinner. Affectionately known as "CTC" in this abode, this yummy treat replaces all forms of healthy cooking when I'm at home alone.


Duh? Who can resist Kim Zolciak getting married and watching it all unfold in amazing white trash glory?! Absolutely, without a doubt, this is quality reality television at its best. I'm just pissed that I didn't request more side boob exposure in my wedding dress. Lessons learned...

My Reads
I have a boat load of mags piled up because my awesome sister worked for a publisher and got me subscriptions to a bagillion mags for freeeeee! I have everything from Cosmo to House Beautiful calling my name.
P.S. Since when did Cosmo get so scandalous? Kinda makes me feel like a huge prude. 

My Computer

I am a full on Pinterest-aholic. Joey gets annoyed at the sound of me scrolling my mouse for hours in bed so I have to browse in small doses when he is home. But alone, its a free for all and I embrace the addiction. I am a VERY picky pinner though- I only repin what I love and have never seen before. No willy-nilly pinning round these parts. You can check out my boards here.

My Space

Not going to lie- having the whole bed to myself has been kind of nice. Who needs our entire supply of pillows behind her head for proper Facebook stalking? This girl.

My Wardrobe
Its full on PJ time as soon as I walk in the door. Actually, who am I kidding? I do this even when Joey is home...he's lucky if I don't have my retainer in by 9pm. So hot:)

Thank goodness, by the time I get home from work today he will be home. I'm not sure many more days I could go before I start having full on conversations with the kittens.

Do you have any guilty pleasures that you enjoy when your significant other is MIA?

XOXO Katie


  1. I just picked up my husband from the airport yesterday -- he'd been gone since Sunday afternoon. During the two nights he was away, I loved sleeping diagonally in our bed and using all 4 pillows for myself!

    1. Love the bed sprawl- just think how amazing it will be when we get a king bed someday! Glad your boy is home too!

  2. I absolutely love this. I do the same thing when Mark is gone, except last week my supper was mushrooms instead of cereal. Who just eats mushrooms!? :) And I love real simple...lucky you to have a free subscription!


    1. Mushrooms?!? That takes the cake as weirdest guilty pleasure food- but to each his own!! My other snacking food is peanut butter rolled up in Swiss cheese- makes Joey gag so I have to eat it when I'm alone :)

  3. sounds like a nice little vacation for you too! even if you are bored, it's nice to have the time to do things you wouldn't normally!

    1. That's for sure! I also got a chance to catch up on my Lifetime movies:)
