
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Craving a Little Sunshine...

Today marks day 5 of cooler temps and cloudy grossness. I'm over it for realz.

I need some sunshineeeee on a clouudddy day... you can imagine me singing that and reenacting the scene from My Girl, of course. So to bring a little sun into our lives I wanted to share a few of these sunburst mirrors that I spotted and thought were too good to pass up.

I know this style has been popular for a while, but its nautical vibe it is a great addition to you summer shack. Better yet they are all $80 or less!

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

Do you remember when I had that perfect little Saturday I had a few weekends back? Well, that included me picking up this vintage beauty for $30

(It is actually a mirror- the flower is just a reflection of my grandma's painting)
 Anyone else craving some summer sun like us here in Boston??

XOXO Katie


  1. It's cloudy and drizzling in Raleigh today too :( gross. I love the last picture-- the one you bought! So cool!

    1. Thanks I love it too! I had to fight off some crazy old woman for it- but I won!

  2. That mirror is gorgeous!! I've yet to go to an estate sale, but I need too!

    Looks like you did have a fun Saturday a few weeks ago :)

    1. You have to go- estate sales are the best! Usually a much better quality than a regular garage sale :)

  3. Love the sunburst mirrors! I have #3...and am looking to collect some more for my hallway :)

    Big City Farm Girl

    1. I love when they are all grouped- looks so cool! Congrats on the engagement by the way!!!

  4. Love all of those... and under $80 isn't too bad :)

    1. I was shocked when I saw #1 at Home Depot last weekend- $35!? Crazy for it being that large

  5. What a cool pic of the flower in the mirror! I already have one but every time I see these, I want to get more... I need to stay away from Home Goods. PS - I pretty much copied your idea here so thanks!

    1. HG is my heaven... loved what you did with the sheet music- thanks for the shout out!

  6. Awesome roundup! I still love starburst mirrors!
