
Friday, June 15, 2012

Early Start to the Weekend

Last night we were lucky enough to have some visitors in town! Joey's bother and his lovely wife were passing through Boston on their way to Martha's Vineyard to celebrate his big 4-0, and we were able coordinate a few hours to catch up. 

We went to a restaurant called No.9 Park and it was AMAZING! Every dish was unique and I highly recommend the smoked vanilla ice cream for dessert. It instantly made you feel like you were sitting by a campfire roasting marshmallows.

Great start to our (almost) weekend! Now I just need to get through the closing appointment to refinance our condo and I will be freeeeeee! I will give you the deets on that later...been kinda a nightmare but crossing my fingers that it will save us a bundle :)

XOXO Katie

1 comment:

  1. Hope the closing goes smoothly! We just got word today that we're going to close on our townhouse (first house!) on July 30th. I can't wait.
