
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Goodwill Goodies

You had a little peek of one of my finds yesterday in the reveal of my map art, but I hit the jackpot at my local Goodwill this weekend with some great home accessories.
Tip to everyone- try heading to your local thrift store around the 15th of the month. People are either getting ready to move and clearing out, or have just moved and done a donation run when they realize items don't work in their new place. That's just about when their goodies make it to the shelves at the thrift store since they take a few days to sort and price.

One man's trash is another man's treasure, right?!

Here are a few of my fave finds so far:

Vase $2.99
Starburst candle holder $3.99

Lamp $9.99
Clay Dish $5.00
Gold Rimmed Tumblers $.50 each
Brass Box $2.00
I am loving my summer finds so far and I can't wait to see what other things I come across. Goodwill and other thrift stores are totally the place to find small home decor and accessories. The fact that I spent less than $30 for ALL of the above items is insane.

All I can say is that the hours my mom and I spent garage sale hunting has trained me well :)

XOXO Katie


  1. You got those dishes for $.50? Shut up. I love them. And how did you do that ombre frame? Paint chips?

    I wish we lived closer. I think we could be real thrift store BFFs. :)

    1. I got the glass tumblers on the top shelf for .50 each- so $3 for all 6!! I did a demo of the paint chip art- you can see it here:
      We would totally be thrift store BFFs- its so fun!

  2. Wow! Looks like you hit the jackpot! I am going to have to hit up Goodwill more often :)

    1. It was a great day there- Usually I have a 50/50 chance of finding something good, but this day all the stars aligned!

  3. What great finds! That Starburst candle holder is awesome!! I haven't been to Goodwill in so long, need to go now! Thanks for the great inspiration!

    1. Go during the summer- thats when the best stuff gets donated!

  4. great finds at great prices!! I might be making a trip today ...

  5. I was thinking about taking a trip to another second hand store today, and you've convinced me! Glad to see I'm not the only one who loves Goodwill!

    1. I love it and it looks like you have been doing some great project too!

  6. Thanks for the tip about the 15th of the month. I never knew that! You certainly found some great accessories! I love the starburst candle holder, the lamp (which totally looks like Pottery Barn) and those gold rimmed tumblers. Everything looks great! Nice work! :)

    1. Thanks Sara! I am dying to know where the lamp is from but here is no tag- I want to know how much I saved!
