
Monday, July 9, 2012

Berry Nice Sunday Morning

This weekend was a busy one for us here in Bean Town. Joey was on call all day Friday and Saturday, we had dinner with two of my cousins that were passing through town Saturday night, and last night we went to a Red Sox vs. Yankees game. The weather was amazing and we had a great time cheering on the Sox even thought it made my Dad's skin crawl knowing I was not rooting for his Yanks :)

So, Sunday morning we just wanted to relax at home and make a yummy pancake breakfast. I had a carton of blueberries so I sprinkled them in to the batter and it was so good!

 I spooned on some fat free Cool Whip and fried up some turkey bacon (being totally healthy, obviously :)

Clearly, it was a crowd pleaser... 

And here is a little sneak peek of a project I am working on- keep you eyes peeled for the finished product!

XOXO Katie

1 comment:

  1. loving the lines of your new piece, looking forward to seeing it!
