
Thursday, July 26, 2012


Random post here so bare with me:)

This is a little peak into what I have been up to and lusting over this week...

Pretty Little Liars
Who would have thought that a Fox Family show would be so dang addictive?! I am just finishing up season 1, but I am full blown obsessed with these teenie-boppers.

I NEED to grow out my hair again because I am totally lusting over the ballerina bun. I would love to have an up-do option for special events to mix it up a bit. I saw this tutorial on and thought it may be doable in a few months...

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Totally craving kiddie food lately- why do little munchkins get all the fun?? Super basic, but honestly sometimes that is better than a fancy meal when summer is in full bloom.
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I would love to be able to jump on the wallpaper bandwagon, but I just need to figure out if/where I can utilize it in our place. How amazeballs are these??

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I have decided that I want to learn calligraphy. I have seen so many stunning invitations in the mail and on Pinterest lately and I have decided that I want to give it a try. I am on the hunt for a class in Boston, but they seem to be a good chunk of change. So for now I am surfing the web for tutorials, but I think I need/want the one-on-one instruction you get from a live person.

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XOXO Katie


  1. I am in the same boat - I cut my hair short last August and want it long again STAT!! I miss buns. Hey, have you ever painted distressed wood?? I need your advice if so! See here

  2. Hey girl - thanks for the advice!! Just an FYI, I can't respond to your comment via email because you are a 'no reply commenter' and don't have it linked ;) Anyway, just wanted to say thanks!!

  3. So happy to have found your cute blog-via FB Lives of Doctor's Wives group. I am also so happy that I am not the only one obsessing over Pretty Little Liars. I feel like less of a loser ;) You are right, it is SO addicting!

