
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Green Bean Salad

It's Wednesday already?! Wow, this week if flying by (not that I'm complaining), but its probably because I am jetting back to Chicago tomorrow for work and a wedding so I am a little scatter brained at the moment.

Knowing that I would not have too many home cooked meals in the next few days, I wanted to make something fresh and on the lighter side for dinner last night. When we were at the Russell Orchard I picked up some cilantro lime vinaigrette and thought it was screaming to be used on a veggie side dish.

So is was my quick and easy...

Green Bean Salad

1lb green beans (cut into 2" pieces)
1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
1/4 cup thinly sliced red onion
3Tlbs. cilantro lime vinaigrette
1tsp. Red Pepper Flakes
Salt & Pepper

This is a super simple one: Just blanch the green beans (don't worry, I had to look up what "blanch" meant too). All that means is to put the beans in boiling water, then lift them out after the 10 minutes, and cool it off quickly with ice water. That will stop then from overcooking and getting floppy.

Then just combine the beans with the thinly sliced red onion, dressing, feta, red pepper flakes, and season with salt and pepper as needed.

Stick in the fridge for an hour and it was good to go!

I paired it with my fave AmyLu Chicken Burgers that were topped with balsamic glazes grilled onions.


Now I'm off to pack for my trip- can't wait to spend 6 days in Chicago even if it does include some work!

XOXO Katie

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