
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Its That Time of the Month...

Don't worry- I am not going to go into a rant about Aunt Flo, as I know my millions of male readers (aka Joey and my Dad) would try to slowly back out the door and head for the hills screaming.

In contrast, it is one of my FAVORITE times of the month- magazine week!!

I am still milking the benefits of having had a sister in the publishing world with a sweeeeet hookup on some super cheap (ahemm free for me) subscriptions.  

I was going to save these babies for my upcoming extended Labor Day vacation, but these things are stacking up! And after looking at my plethora of printed love I have discovered a few things:

1. I am officially getting old when I reach for Real Simple instead of Elle.

2. I drool over fashion mags, but its takes me 10 minutes to flip through a 10lb Harper's Bazaar. Yet it takes me a solid 45 minutes to go through a House Beautiful that is a fraction of the size. Clearly, my interests have changed over the last few years.

3. I LOVE food, but who am I kidding?! Will I ever be able to make anything as pretty or yummy as the goodies in Food Network Magazine....nope.

4. Cosmo is just slutty- nuff said.

5. Even at the ripe old age of 28, I am still too young for Good Housekeeping. Do I need to read an entire spread on anti-wrinkle creams and how to look 7 years younger? Yeahhh I'm good, I'm pretty sure if I looked 21 I would get weird looks standing next to my (nearly) 30 year old husband. You can scratch that one off the list, Sis :)

What are you favorite mags?? Do you have a go to read when traveling?

XOXO Katie

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You did get the hookup! I love getting the US Weekly hand me downs from my MIL!! ;)
