
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tuesday Night Stuffed Peppers

After a long weekend out of town and one too many dinners out, I wanted to cook something relatively healthy and quick. I decided to use the veggies in my fridge and some good old fashioned brown rice to make this easy dish...

Sausage Stuffed Bell Peppers


1 bag brown rice
2 bell peppers
1 red onion (diced)
3 diced chicken sausages (mine were spinach and feta flavor)
1/2 cup quartered cherry tomatoes
1/4 cup feta cheese
3 Tbs. basil pesto
salt, pepper & red pepper flakes

First, I cut the bell peppers in half and popped them in a 400 degree oven to soften a little. While that was going, I put the 10 minute rice in a pot of boiling water and started to saute the diced onions and sausage.

Once the sausage was heated through (its precooked so it just needs to warm up) and the onions were soft I put in a a dash of salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. By this time the rice had cooked and I strained it, then added it to the pan with the onions and sausage. Add the pesto and tomatoes and you are almost there!

I took out the bell peppers from the oven and stuffed them with the rice mixture. Next, I just sprinkled on the feta cheese and popped the peppers back in the oven for about 10 minutes.

There was a lot of left over stuffing so I just put that in the bottom of the bowl and topped it with the peppers straight from the oven.

Yum Yum!

XOXO Katie


  1. We make these a lot with whole wheat pasta too.

  2. Looks good! I think I'm going to try this recipe with veggie 'sausages'. Thanks!
