
Monday, December 3, 2012

Dressing Up For December

I will be the first to admit that I am not a huge holiday decorator. I find the clutter that seasonal decorating brings to be unbearable (at least while we live in this apartment). I am sure when I have a basement, attic, or at least a free closet that I will feel differently. But for now I keep the holiday decor VERY limited.
Now this poses a problem for my husband. He grew up in a house hold that would be decked out to the nines for every holiday, and Christmas was the holy grail of twinkle lights and stockings galore. Literally, his mom should win an award for decorating every surface of an 7 bedroom house before the first snowflake hit the ground.
Just to be a good wife ,I make sure that I do a little decorating so that I wont get nicknamed "the Grinch" during the holiday season.
There is one other small issue that we have in this household. One live tree + two crazy agile cats + breakable ornaments = disaster. Two years ago when we brought them home from the animal shelter on New Years day they bolted STRAIGHT for the tree. Literally climbing up it and knocking things off before I even had time to put the crate away.

So this year we went a slightly different route and didn't spring for the tree, instead we went for the Christmas ball! Ok...its a little sad and Joey looked like Tiny Tim walking out of the lot with a ball rather than a tree strapped to the car roof. But since I (and crossing my fingers that Joey will be with me if the residency stars align) will be traveling home to Chicago for the actual holidays, so I didn't see the need to have a big tree to put gifts under. I know...I know... Grinch, Grinch, Grinch. But this Grinch also hates vacuuming dry tree needles in July.

How do you like to decorate for the holidays? Are you a clutter-phobe like me?
XOXO Katie


  1. Looks so good! My cat loves to play in the Christmas tree too :)

  2. I do LOVE Christmas decor, but I'm also loving your idea of a Christmas ball! We do a fake tree because that's how I was raised {aka - lazy :)} but I can see where you're coming from on not wanting the mess of a tree if you won't even be home to open presents from under it! Love your classy holiday decorations :) And those zebra chairs, I swoon.

    Southern Living, Our Way ~

  3. I'm a Christmas freak so we're opposite there but there were years when I lived alone in Vegas and would travel home for the holidays that I settled for a table top tree.
    Love the Christmas ball idea!

  4. Your fireplace looks so sweet and inviting! We do one of each - a fake and a real tree. Love the ease of the fake. Love the look, feel and smell of the real tree. But I know what you mean about vacuuming needles months after Christmas;)
