
Friday, December 14, 2012

'Tis the Season!

You want to know one of my most favorite things about the Christmas season?!
The holiday cards!!

 We did not do holiday cards this year because of a few reasons:
#1) I've been a little distracted the last few weeks and I couldn't get my act together
#2) We can't compete with the my extended family and their ADORABLE babies and kids
#3) I tried and failed miserably getting the kittens to sit still close enough together to snap their pic ;)
#4) Joey refuses to be married to the crazy cat lady who spends an hour trying to get two kittens to sit together for a photo...
I can not wait to send out our first family Christmas card next year, and I am gathering inspiration already. Here are a few that I have seen online:

Love the cut off shot of the parents in this pic, and who can resist a little holiday bunting...

Five Creative Photography Ideas for Family Christmas Cards – Toddlers

Twinkle lights and baby chub...can't beat it!

{ great for christmas cards } by alisa
If I could get my kittens do to this I would be a magician!

dogsinlights 235x300 Ideas For Cute & Clever Christmas Card Photos

What did you do for your card this year??
XOXO Katie

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