
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Decisions, Decisions...

Do any of you have those rooms in your house that just never feel quite right? Something feels a little bit off and you can't pin point what it is? Just the energy feels weird?

That is hands down my guest room. I would consider myself a pretty decisive person when it comes to design, but there is something really off about my guest room and it kills me! I have rearranged the furniture 3 times, painted the walls twice (with 10' ceilings that was a challenge on its own), and I am on my third rug.

That's where you all come in. The dang rug.

I purchased this chevron rug about 9 months ago because I could not pass up the deal for a nearly 8x11ft rug for less than $150.

Rugs USA Home Value Chevron Ivory Rug

The quality was only so-so. Not super plush and probably would not last us more than a few years, but fine for the moment.

Well, clearly I didn't plan things out in my head because a black rug + two white kittens = cleaning nightmare.


And that pic was taken AFTER I vacuumed. No matter how hard I tried the fur just will not come up and I refuse to get OCD over getting every little thing up- I would go insane!

So I have given into my defeat and decided to try yet another rug.

I saw this one from Urban Outfitters last week and descided to give it a shot. With free shipping and a code I pulled off of I was able to snag it for $74.

I still love the chevron pattern, but I decided to go with a beige color instead of the black. It has a more woven texture than a wool feel- kinda like an outdoor rug maybe? Its a 5'x7' so significantly smaller than the black one too.

I just can't decide if I'm feeling it. What you you think? Is it too small? I have not moved the other rug out because it will be a pain to move the furniture if I decide not to keep this Urban one. I like the lighter look and its neutral so I can add any accent colors without worrying about clashing.

What do you think?? Yay or Nay?

XOXO Katie


  1. I like the new one much better than the black and white. It just seems to go with the rest of the room better. I like how it looks with the curtains and bookcases.

  2. I actually really like the UO one more! I think the black/white was a little too bold with the cabinet/wall colors. The neutral tons in the new one fit perfectly!

  3. I LOVE the new one! It will hold up great since it's flatwoven. I have that same RugsUsa Black/White one in a 4x6 or something along those lines...under our built-in's desk. :) PS - I nominated you for an award today! ;)

  4. I also love the new one--it really opens the room up!
