
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

LBD Identity Crisis

So in true low-man-on-the-totem-poll style Joey and I have just received an invite to the graduation dinner for the chief residents in his program...yeah its in 3 days...thanks for the heads up. All the heads of his department will be there so there will be alot of schmoozing (aka kissing some tushie) involved.

Did I mention this is a FORMAL event- like black tie optional?? Freak out!
I ran home and busted into my closet to see what my options are because I don't have the time or the dinero to go buy a new outfit between now and Friday.

Thank goodness for the LBD- that girl saves the day every time. I have a black strapless dress that just needs some accessories to dress it up. But here is where I'm stumped :

Do I go classic and conservative and do my best "doctor's wife" impression? Mind you, all the while I will be stuffing the dinner rolls in my pockets because its the only comped event we have been invited to in the last two years...

Or, do I go fun and playful with bold colors to show that I am not a typical dorky resident wife that has her nose in the books along side her hubs?


XOXO Katie


  1. I'd probably go with the first one because it seems more dressy. It would be what I would wear to something for a "law" event (I'm a lawyer), but I'd wear the second one to an event for my husband's work (he's in sales in a tech company).

    1. I think thats the one I'm going to go with, but the rebel in me wants to have colorrrrr!

  2. I'm a classic kind of a gal. but both are gorgeous.

  3. I like the colourful one - I feel that in the summer you get a bit of creative license with your wardrobe - take advantage of it.

  4. I'd go with classic since it's a black tie optional event. As much as I like the colorful accessories, I worry it might dress down the outfit for that type of event. Then again this is also the conservative lawyer in me ;)

    1. Lots of lawyers reading today- love having smart girls around!

  5. Hi Katie, I just toured your home pictures and absolutely LOVE every inch of your home! It is gorgeous! As for the outfit, I really like the colorful one, but would probably choose the classic for the event you're describing :)

    1. Thanks Becky- its a work in progress but our place is coming along! Thanks for reading!

  6. Classic, for sure! I'd let your sparkling personality stand out more than your fun accessories. ;)

  7. I'd so go with the first but maybe throw in one of the 'colorful' accessories in the second option just for fun! :) Have fun!!

  8. I think I'd go with classic, but I love both. I'm your newest follower and a fellow Dr's wife (2 days from being finished w third year med school and 3 days from step 2 boards)! What is your hubby's residency?

