Friday, November 30, 2012

I'm Not Dead...Just Pregnant!

Sorry for being totally MIA for the last 2 months, ladies and gents.
I have been a little umm...preoccupied to say the least!
After almost exactly three years of being a married couple, Joey and I were thrilled to find out that I was pregnant just 5 days before our anniversary on September 19th. We kept it pretty quiet, only telling immediate family members, until we had our 12 week ultrasound where we confirmed the little nugget was cooking properly.
We are so nervous scared amazed excited about the newest member of our family and we can't wait to see what adventures this new chapter brings!
The photo below is how we told all of our friends that our "little pumpkin" was on the way:

I am not going to lie, so far pregnancy has been a little rocky for me. I knew I was always a "sensitive" person, but man-o-shevats the morning sickness really kicked me in the butt! Joey liked to call my episodes "Katie exorcisms". Lovely, but not all entirely false. Thank goodness that phase has begun to pass. I can finally keep my eyes open past 7:30pm, and not fear waking up every morning not knowing how the day will unfold.
I welcome with open arms this next phase of pregnancy where everyone says I will feel my best. Bring it on, baby!
With a due date of mid May looming (sometimes the Doc says the 13th and sometimes the 20th) I have a TON of projects that I want to accomplish and I will take you all along for the ride!
Here are some items on my checklist:
-Decorate nursery on a budget
-Have a baby (and its clutter) in a 1000 sq ft apartment
-Learn money saving strategies for post baby
-Cook healthy non-hippo inducing foods while preggos
-Make decisions about baby's needs when I have NO idea what I'm doing or what half this stuff is
-Learn how to keep another human alive for extended periods of time

So I am excited to share this journey with you and I hope there are some Mamas out there that can give me some words of encouragement, advice, and confirm that I am not totally helpless on this first-time-mom roller coaster!

XOXO Katie

And don't worry I won't bombard you with weekly bump photos and stats...those I will save for just once a month :)
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