I am so excited to break in my new toy!
My parents got me a Canon Rebel T3 for the big 2-8 and I could not be more excited to learn how to use this sucker.
Not gonna lie, it look me over an hour to figure out how to use the auto focus (clearly I had not figured it out before I took this pic), so please bear with me while I try to make sense of this thing.
I have started to look in to taking a class because I know how I want my photos look, but I don't know how to achieve it. So I will leave that to the professional and not even pretend that I can figure it out on my own.
Anyone else out there take a class to improve your blog photo skills? So many of you have stunning pics, so you must have learned it somewhere right?!
On another fun note, the winner of the leg warmer giveaway has been chosen:
Emily B.
powered by random.org
Thank you everyone for participating and don't worry because there will be another giveaway coming up very shortly. So better luck next time!
XOXO Katie

What an AWESOME birthday present!!